Unlock your Chess Potential!
Let me give you EVERYTHING you need to realize your full potential in chess

…and personally guide you through your journey…

...in the Chess Unlocked coaching program.

What is Chess Unlocked?
Well, it’s a systematic, step-by-step, comprehensive coaching program designed to give you everything you need to:

  • Rapidly build up your Foundational Tripod
  • Systematically diagnose and eliminate your chess weaknesses, and 
  • Use the simple, repeatable, 5-step Repertoire Iteration Method to develop a comprehensive repertoire that would make most Masters envious
You'll Receive:

7 Modules of Video Course Content

  • Mindset
  • Tactical Mastery
  • Strategy and Planning
  • ​Opening: From "Principles to Preparation"
  • ​Opening Repertoire Design
  • ​Opening Repertoire Construction
  • ​Opening Repertoire Iteration
In the first 3 Modules, we'll rapidly develop your "foundational tripod." 

In Module 2, I'll show you everything you need to be a Master Tactician...from developing pattern recognition and going through the Candidate Move Evaluation Process...

...all the way up to the exercises I did as an Expert pushing towards Master to enhance my vision and tactical "raw skill!"

You'll also learn about the 4 (and only 4!) types of tactical mistakes...and how to avoid them

In Module 3, I'll show you how to develop a plan in ANY position.

We'll do a deep dive into chess pawn structures

And you'll learn all about weakness identification, prevention, and creation.

With the "Tripod" firmly built, it's time to throw gasoline on the fire with the Repertoire Iteration Method.

In the remaining 4 modules, you'll learn about the "unspoken" chess opening principles, the fastest way to enhance your understanding of an opening, the "bucketing" approach to designing a comprehensive repertoire that can handle ANYTHING your opponent throws at you, the "Tree and Branches" method to diving deep into the main lines, and how every single chess game you ever play can be used to enhance and tweak your repertoire...

...as well as some advanced opening preparation topics that nobody else discusses (Advanced vs Variable repertoires, 2 proven systems for continued growth, and more).
"Master Mentorship" Personal Coaching Program
But the Chess Unlocked video course is only the beginning of what you'll receive, when you join Chess Unlocked.

After all, information is everywhere - and what players need most is a guiding hand.

In the Master Mentorship coaching program, you'll receive:

  • Chess games against me, with real-time feedback + ability to share your thoughts and ask questions
  • The ability to submit games and questions for Analysis Videos
  • Access to a supportive community of over 60 motivated students (of all levels and ages)
  • ​Daily Support from me
Wherever you are in the course material, you'll be able to practice what you're learning against me and receive feedback.

It's fast and easy to set up online, and because there's no clock, you'll be able to make moves at your own convenience!

I also produce 3-4 "Master Mentorship" game analysis videos per month. You'll be able to submit games for inclusion in these videos. I'll show you exactly how to submit games to get the maximum benefit from these videos.

You'll be able to share your successes and challenges with our community, and participate in (optional) community events, including tournaments, Zoom calls, and more!

And best of all...you'll never get "stuck" in this program. I'm always an email or a message away, and I almost always respond to students within 24 hours.
Price of Chess Unlocked
Most coaches provide:

- No systematic, comprehensive system for success in chess
- No interactive community
- No daily support (if you want more help, pay up!)
- A hodgepodge, jump-around approach to opening preparation (how much can you really get done in one hour?)

And they charge $40-60 per hour.

You'll easily accomplish far more in a month of Chess Unlocked than in 3 hours of "traditional" chess coaching...so a price of $150/month would be a steal.

But I lowered the standard pricing to $100/month, to make it a no-brainer.

(and no extra cost for the video course. That's something I provide to help my students be the best they can be).

But because my best students are action-takers...and because I don't want money to be the barrier between you and your chess goals...

...you'll receive 4 incredible bonuses when you join Chess Unlocked today.

1. A PERMANENTLY discounted price of 33%, bringing the price down to $67/month - less than the cost of a cup of coffee per day.

2. A 30-day MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - even after I work you personally. What other chess coach offers that?

3. My "Class-A-Accelerator" video course - free. I'll show you everything I did to go from a complete beginner to a Class-A tournament player in the span of barely more than a year...and how you can, too. 

4. My "Fix My Chess Weaknesses" video course and "Weakness Diagnostics Worksheet" - free. Once you master all of the "Chess Unlocked" course content, this course will show you how to systematically break down every barrier standing between you and the Master title.
What are students saying about Chess Unlocked?

“By the way, I really appreciate your encouraging words above and also, the time that you are putting into this. I feel like my thinking process is improving. I know my calculation ability is improving since it started at zero. I’m confident that this will result in better play on my part (my main goal) and eventually a higher rating.” - Russell

"Oh, another thank you - got to 2000 (very easily now, the number doesn’t matter so much as I couldn’t get there before) on lichess’s puzzles. I don’t know why I didn’t get it until your stuff, but I’m doing A LOT better at calculating all the options and not discounting things that don’t seem to immediately work out.” - Seth

So I’ve won my last eight games that I’ve played online, finishing up module 6 and continuing to develop my opening repertoire. Since I’ve joined this program, my original goal was to get better and see how far I can go, but after seeing the progress that I’ve made by just sticking with the process, and seeing my passion for chess be reignited, I came to the conclusion that I eventually want to compete in tournaments, and eventually become a master.” - Mike

“Your content is amazing!” -Motasem

“Blake is a very practical and clear communicator regarding improvement, goals and strategies. He provides a very high quality instruction because he loves Chess and he gets a great deal of satisfaction from helping others.” -Doug

A-Z program, from the basics all the way to the advanced parts and also focusing on some meta elements such as mentality. Analysis videos are really helpful” - Arne

“I enjoy your personal approach to the videos- just makes the material mentally accessible” - Dan

Imagine how it will feel to know EXACTLY what to do to break down every barrier in your way...

...to follow a proven, systematic process to reach your true potential...

...and to have a Master and 60 other students by your side.

Whether you want to make a serious push for the Master title, or simply want to enjoy and understand this great game better, Chess Unlocked is the place to be.

And remember - there's no risk.

Either you're COMPLETELY satisfied that this program is unlike anything you've seen before, and the far-and-away best method for chess improvement...or send me an email and get every penny back.

There’s no reason for you to feel stuck in chess, doing things that don’t work, banging your head against the wall and making the same mistakes over and over again as your frustration grows.

Click the button down below.

Let’s unlock your chess potential together.